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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Worried about getting sick during Finals Week?

I, like you have gotten sick during a Finals week. Last year, while attending SUNY Albany I became VERY sick and couldn't get out of bed to do anything. That was not good for my grades and I am not about to let that happen again.

This year, I have been healthier and happier than ever before. Why don't you become healthy? What is stopping you?

Is peer pressure causing you NOT to do the things that will keep you healthy?

Some information about health.

What interferon is and How it works.

The immune system serves as your body’s natural shield against infection. A wondrously complex and multi-layered system, it was designed to protect you from potential invaders, including viruses, bacteria, and allergens. Your immune system is also able to recognize dangerous changes in your cells and destroy these potential pre-cancerous cells. Part of this protection includes the production of interferon.

Interferon is activated by the immune system when a virus attacks a cell. Interferon serves two important functions. It signals neighboring cells and triggers their resistance mechanisms; it activates other immune cells that kill invading pathogens. Interferon is essential to the immune system and helps protect us from the daily exposure to millions of germs that can lead to serious infection.

For only $1.50 a day, you can make sure you don’t get sick.
Call Chris Hughes at (607) 821-7129 or visit http://www.shaklee.net/chrishughes/product/20960 to learn more about Nutriferon and to MAKE SURE you stay healthy during these difficult times.

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