10 Reasons To Shakleeize Your Home!
When I came into the business I was given a list of Magic Principles to follow. One of them was ... “Use The Product.” It took me a while to learn just how critical that advice was.
I was told ... “use the product yourself so that when people ask if you use the product — you will be able to say “yes.”
They gave me lots of other reasons too including — “you can learn more about them just by using them.”
These are both very good reasons to use the product but they fall short of the real reason to use every Shaklee product you can as fast as you can.
The major reason is that you will fall in love with them.
What is that important?
Because basic human nature dictates that you’ll be able to sell me on a product you LOVE more easily than you can sell me on a product you have no particular passion for. In other words ...
If you don’t really LOVE it ... why should I?
If you’re just trying to sell me something you are not passionate about ... if you’re doing it only for the money ... you are likely to tell me all about the wonderful features of the product. You’ll give me a bunch of facts and think you’re selling me on the product.
The real truth is that facts tell ... stories and testimonials sell. You already know that people make emotional buying decisions then use logic to justify the purchase.
Facts without emotion just don’t get people pumped about your product or opportunity.
People are inundated with advertising pitches and they’re getting tired of the whole marketing process. Research shows that people are so over-marketed that they just tune out unless they are seriously interested in that particular product or they are just being entertained.
Traditional advertising is losing it’s punch. It isn’t working like it did 20 years ago. More and more companies are turning to good old-fashioned WORD OF MOUTH MARKETING to sell their product.
That’s where you come in. Shaklee has been a world leader in WOMM for almost 50 years now.
Do you know why word of mouth works?
Because people are starving for someone they trust to tell them a personal story about a product they love!
Lucky us ... Shaklee products are so easy to love!
So … the first three reasons to Shakleeize your home and start on these products right away …
Reason #1: When they ask if you use the products yourself, you can say “yes”.
Reason #2: Using the product is the best way to learn about them.
Reason #3: You’ll fall in love with these products and the more you love them, the easier they will be to share.
Now … Healthy Home superstar Rod Larkin shares 7 more great reasons to Shakleeize your home …
Rod says, "If you are serious about building a successful Shaklee business, one of the first steps you need to do is to Shakleeize your home."
Take a look at these 7 reasons why this is so important:
Reason #1: Buy from yourself ...
You are starting a new business that markets an outstanding line of products. As a business owner, it’s only logical that you would purchase and use your own company’s products.
Why would you want to buy from the competition?
Reason #2: The tax benefits ...
Every product you purchase for the first time is tax-deductible when starting a business. Think about this when you are deciding the size of your first order.
Typically, these are products you are already using in your home.
What you will be doing is simply “switching brands” from the many different brands of products you’re currently using to the Shaklee brand that your business markets.
Reason #3: You save money ...
Another fact is that because so many of the Shaklee products are highly concentrated, you use less than competitive brands and save money in the long run.
Reason #4: You get paid on PV ...
PV is points you earn on every Shaklee product you purchase. They higher your PV, the bigger your check.
Once you understand the Shaklee compensation plan, you will see that you actually earn a paycheck each month on the products you purchase for your household.
That being the case, why would you want to buy the same type of products in stores, getting nothing in return for your spending, when you can buy Shaklee products from your own business and actually be paid to use them?
Example, Commitment, and Belief
Reason #5: Being a great example ...
When people come into our home, you want them to see Shaklee products. You don’t want them to see products like Tide, Windex, Dawn, Crest, GNC, Britta, Ionic Breeze, etc.
People will silently notice you are using these competitive brands and wonder whether or not you are really committed to your business.
Reason #6: Showing your commitment ...
When people come into our home (which is also our place of business) they can easily see that we are committed to using Shaklee products and committed to supporting our own business as a customer. It’s also a passive form of advertising without ever having to say a word.
How many people will come into your home in a year? Why not market to them by having them see Shaklee products throughout your home?
Reason #7: Building belief ...
Most important is the fact that people can see that we believe in using Shaklee products, and also that we believe in our business.
However, if you were in our home and saw the competitor’s products, the message we would be sending is ... "We like those products better than the products we are marketing."
Not a good message to send, wouldn’t you agree?
The bottom line …
If a business builder is not willing to commit to Shakleeizing their home … they are not fully committed to making their business a success.
Not using the products in their home also indicates, a lack of understanding about how the Shaklee compensation plan works.
As a leader, you will want to spend your time with those who are serious about building a business. Whether or not they are willing to Shakleeize their home is a great way to identify those who are committed.
How to Shakleeize Your Home
The visual way is the easiest way to Shakleeize your home.
Go through your home—the bathroom, kitchen, laundry room, etc. and pull out all the nutrition products, personal care products, skin care and cosmetic products, cleaning products, and any air or water filter products you currently have in your home and put them all on your kitchen table.
You might want to take a picture ...
This will visually show you the degree to which you are currently doing business with your competition. You will get a clear picture of the money you are spending on someone else’s business.
You will also have a clear, visual picture of one of the very first steps you need to take in order to build a successful Shaklee business.
Replace all of the competitive products with safer … higher-quality Shaklee products. You earn PV points on all the Shaklee products you buy and use, and you do not earn PV points on the competitive products.
A Shakleeized home is a Healthy Home and much better for your family’s health.
Teach everyone who joins your team to duplicate this process from the start!
Hope you like this
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